Machine Quilting Preperation:
Quilt Top Preperation:
Check your quilt top to make sure all the seams are secure, we don't want our machine to catch a loose seam! Also check for loose threads and overall squareness, this helps to assure
your quilt will lay flat.
Measure your quilt top, both width and length. Your back shoud be 8 inches wider and 8 inche longer, we need the extra to attach it to our machine.
Please mark the top edge of the top and back (safety pin) so we know which end is up! LOL
Please iron hard creases, we understand normal creases from folding it's the creases like the fold off the bolt that cause us to spend extra time ironing them out and we do charge for that.
For best results, quilt top & backing must be square to prevent puckers. We will not be responsible for puckers if any quilts have long borders causing waves we cannot correct them.
If your top does not have an outside boarder we recomment "stay stitching" (stitch a scant 1/4" from the edge so the binding will cover it) all edges to secure them.
Back Material:
Cotton or flanel make great quilt backs, bed sheets DO NOT! Again please measure your back and assure that it is 8" larger in both directions.
If the back has a seam include
a note as to wheather it is to run the width or length, It is difficult to assure that the seam will be perfectly centered due to the process of quilting.
We prefer either 100% Cotton or an 80/20 blend, these quilt fantastic, have a long life, are warmer, launder well and are our first choice.
If you don't have the batting or don't wish to ship it we can supply Hobbs 80/20 at market value.
Designs: We have numerous designs, view Designs Page And are adding more
Price: Edge to Edge (Overall) quilting is 0.0175 per square inch. This includes a gentle pressing of top and back and thread.
An example of price calculation is shown below.
Top Width--- 82 inches
Top Length--- 90 inches
Total Area---7,380 square inches
Quilting Charge---129.15 (width 82 X Length 90 X 0.0175) 1-3/4 cents per square inch.
It takes time to set your project up on our machine so we have a minimum charge of $40.00.
We do not have a thread charge except for King Tut which is $20.00 additional.